Glenmarie Golf and Country Club

Sunday, 17 July 2022

Recently, the Palm Oil Refiners Association of Malaysia (PORAM) and Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad (BMD) hosted the Palm Oil Industry Charity Golf Challenge.

We are glad to announce that the Golf Challenge this year, raised RM4,180 and the fund raised, was duly channeled to Persatuan Jagaan Kanak Kanak Ekliptik Klang (Klang Ekliptik Children’s Center). The Children’s Center has been in operation for over 29 years and cares for special children with special needs.

Thank you to all participants, sponsors, and supporters of the event! We could not have done it without each and every one of you! Hope to see you again next year!

To view and download your pictures, please click here.

PGEO was the 2022 Champion!

88 golfers represented 25 organisations, participated in the event. PGEO emerged as the 2022 Champion! Who will be at the top of the podium in 2023?

The list of organisations that participated in 2022, are:

  1. PORAM
  2. Bursa Malaysia Derivatives
  3. Affin Hwang Investment Bank Berhad
  4. Antara Commodities Sdn Bhd
  5. Boustead
  6. Cargill
  7. FGV Trading Sdn Bhd
  8. Global Palm Ventures Sdn Bhd
  9. Hemat Marine Sdn Bhd
  10. Intercontinental Specialty Fats Sdn Bhd
  11. IOI Group
  12. Lembaga Pembangunan Langkawi (LADA)
  13. Lipochem (M) Sdn Bhd
  14. Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
  15. Malaysian Kuwaiti Investment Co. Sdn Bhd
  16. Malaysian Oleochemical Manufacturers Group (MOMG)
  17. Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)
  18. Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC)
  19. Meranti Marshall Sdn Bhd
  20. Mewah Group
  21. PGEO Edible Oils Sdn Bhd
  22. RG Chartering Sdn Bhd
  23. RK Global Commodities (M) Sdn Bhd
  24. Sinaran Palm Services Sdn Bhd
  25. Stolthaven (Westport) Sdn Bhd